Farm Fresh Eggs for Mother’s Day 2020 – celebrate by sending your mom FREE farm fresh eggs from Buckingham Avenue Market

Buckingham Avenue Market would like to help you celebrate and share the love with your mom from afar. Send your mom farm fresh eggs for Mother’s Day. It’s FREE!

Are you unable to celebrate Mother’s Day with your mom due to social distancing? Do you wish that you could do something special? You may not be able to whip up a delicious breakfast for your mom, but you can have farm fresh eggs delivered to her door. Buckingham Avenue Market is delivering FREE eggs to moms on Mother’s Day. Treat them to the luxury of a special breakfast planned by a loved one. You can even include a personal note. Otherwise, Buckingham Avenue Market will provide a standard note (shown in the photo below).

Although our hens are busy laying, the number of fresh eggs are limited! We will be delivering 4-6 eggs to your mom’s door step for FREE. Are you are interested in sending farm fresh eggs to your mom for a special breakfast on Mother’s Day? Reach out to us by filling out the form below.

Please include a delivery address. We will only be delivering to locations within a 20 mile radius around Minneapolis, within a 15 mile radius around Delano, or between Delano and Minneapolis, Minnesota. These eggs will be personally delivered to each doorstep early in the morning on Sunday, May 10th, 2020. We can’t wait to do our part in helping you celebrate Mother’s Day with your mom. Social gatherings may be canceled during this unprecedented time in 2020, but celebrating your mom is not.

For more information about Buckingham Avenue Market, please visit this page.

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