We all fall victim to feeling like we do not have enough time. Often we look back and think “where has the time gone?” Although an enjoyable task may seem to stretch on for hours, a fun activity can feel like it is over in a blink of an eye. However, embracing daily adventure, capturing the moment, and revisiting memories can make time feel abundant. Read on for tips to help slow your perception of time.
1. Embrace adventure and approach each day with a vacation mentality.
I recently had a talk with friends while they were on their way home from a lengthy road trip with young kids. They shared fun memories and we discussed the hardships of such an adventure, even laughing at some of the struggles. However, it was easy to conclude that you tend to forget the tough times and primarily remember the good memories.
When planning for an event, vacation, trip, etc. there is often anticipation for the future. After the event we reflect on the activities with a fondness for the past. Yet oftentimes, in the present moment, you can feel tired or uncomfortable. Traveling is sometimes exhausting, things can go wrong, and leaving your comfort zone can be challenging. In these moments it would be easy to change plans and do something less adventurous or to simply take the easier route. Choose adventure.
Adventure makes life memorable and memories stretch time. Sometimes a long adventure isn’t possible, but it is possible to find time each day for an adventurous moment. Treat a moment in each day like you’re on vacation. Try something new, savor a cup of coffee from a new coffee shop, take a walk during your lunch break, and really take the time to notice the things around you. When someone is in “vacation mode” they are often looking for new experiences which creates memories. However, this mindset does not need to be reserved for week-long vacations that take months to plan. Look for new experiences in your daily life or be a tourist in your home town to expand your perception of time on a daily basis.
2. Use photos to savor the moment and stretch your experience of time.
While simply enjoying a specific sight or event can help retain the memory of how you felt at that time, sometimes a more tangible item can help keep memories remain fresh in your mind. Find a keepsake or simply take pictures to help catalog the various moments where you truly enjoyed what was around you. Use social media or the camera on your phone as a tool to savor time. Snap a picture of a pretty flower on your walk or of the coffee that you purchased from a new coffee shop during an otherwise mundane workday.
For me personally, I love capturing small moments on my Instagram story. I then view my story later in the day or simply review my camera roll. By capturing moments in pictures, the act of reviewing small moments can bring attention to the lingering time throughout my day where I truly felt like I was enjoying the moment. Although this may not be most people’s approach to social media, I tend to share pictures and posts more as a reminder to myself and as a place where I can revisit memories compared to just posting pictures for other people to view them.
3. Review your memories to help slow your perception of time.
Where has the time gone? It is a bit daunting when years start to string together and time feels like it is rushing by. Review memories to slow your perception of time and to identify how you spent your time in the past. Luckily, technology makes it easy for many of us to review memories without digging out photo albums. Look back at memories using apps such as Timehop, Instagram’s “on this day feature”, Snapchat memories, etc. Instead of feeling like past memories occurred so long ago, reviewing them can help you realize how your time was spent and reflect on your memories. This makes time feel more tangible and real. Identifying how time was spent in the past helps catalog it and reduces the feeling of time moving too quickly or days blending together.
This concept can also be applied without the use of technology. Use big events as an opportunity to review a photo album or memory box. For example, keep a birthday or Christmas photo album that you review with friends and family each year. Reflecting on memories from previous events can help bring people together. It can also serve as a method of reviewing how time was spent in the past which can allow each moment to feel accounted for so the years do not run together.
Slow your perception of time with these three tips:
- Embrace adventure and approach each day with a vacation mentality.
- Use photos to savor the present moment and stretch your experience of time.
- Review your memories to help slow your perception of time.

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