Buckingham Avenue Market is open for business! Shop our online market for homegrown goods and thoughtful products or stop by our farm stand for farm fresh eggs and seasonal goodies.

Buckingham Avenue Market
Our product line currently consists of soy candles with inviting fragrances that encourages guests to stay a little longer and precious moments to be savored. Of all the senses, the sense of smell is most connected to memory. Our thoughtful fragrances are enjoyable and instill a sense of nostalgia.
In addition to hand poured candles, homegrown popcorn and popcorn themed holiday gift boxes will also be available soon.
Farm fresh eggs laid by happy pasture-raised hens.

Per MDA regulations for selling eggs as a “product of the farm,” these eggs have not been processed, meaning that they have not been washed, candled or graded. Unwashed eggs can sit out on the counter for weeks. Once the eggs are washed they need to be refrigerated.

Stay up to date by checking out Buckingham Avenue on Instagram.
Want to know more or interesting in purchasing eggs? Reach out below!

Buckingham Avenue Market loves to help you celebrate special holidays. For Mother’s Day 2020 we helped people share the love with their mom from afar. We delivered free farm fresh eggs for Mother’s Day. It’s FREE! Click here for more info and check back for future delivery opportunities.